GROW & FUND joist_3hs%1@ June 13, 2024


JOIST is Your Ally in Adopting Innovation and Securing Funding Resources

As markets become increasingly demanding, staying one step ahead is crucial. GROW and FUND services assist businesses and organizations in developing and enhancing their capacity for innovation.

GROW Services

Recognizing that every business has a unique path and specific needs, JOIST offers a holistic approach to development. GROW’s state-of-the-art innovation management services are designed to help small, medium-sized and large enterprises:

What they include:

Digital Maturity Assessment

Assess the digital maturity of the business and identify needs and challenges.

Innovation Management

Discover and integrate customized innovation solutions that ensure the evolution of every business.

JOIST Marketplace

A platform that connects innovation providers with businesses seeking their services and facilitates matching their needs with the right innovation solutions.

JOIST Community

A dynamic phygital community that offers exclusive opportunities for promotion, networking, collaboration, and development.

Key Benefits for Businesses:

FUND Services

Access to funding sources is vital for the implementation of innovative ideas. FUND’s comprehensive funding opportunity management services help businesses, academic institutions, and organizations:

What they include:

Support & Funding Resources from European Programmes

Support Plans Tailored to Your Needs


Innovation Funding Services for Universities

| Intended for: Universities, Research Centers

InnovateSME Spark

Innovation Funding Services for Businesses

| Intended for: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

InnovateBiz Boost

Innovation Funding Services for Business Support Organisations

| Intended for: Consulting Firms, Chambers of Commerce, Networks, Associations, Incubators and Accelerators, Public Authorities, Digital Innovation Hubs, Clusters, Other Innovation Communities and Collaborative Spaces

Communicate your innovation goals to us

Focusing on results, we help you achieve your goals. Whether you are a long-established business looking to incorporate the right innovation or a new organization aiming to find funding, our expert partners are here to guide you.

Expression of Interest