Saturday 15 March 2025 | 10:00 – 14:00
Double Registration (Parent & Child) Early Bird until 02 March: 25€ 20€
Want to learn how to build your own electronics with Arduino, even without previous experience?
In the new interactive tutorial for children 9 years and older and parents, you will become a programmer of your own electronic circuit with temperature and humidity sensors!
Our training program is designed to introduce young and old participants during the first module “Exploring Basic Electronic Components” to basic concepts and basic electronic components such as current characteristics, test boards (breadboards), prototyping wires (jumper wires), light emitting diodes (Light Emitting Diode). The trainees will be divided into groups of two and will build their own circuit under the guidance of the instructor. The aim is to familiarize the trainees with the basic concepts of simple electronic circuits and their construction with test boards.
In the second module “Exploring the Arduino Uno Development Board and the Arduino IDE”, the groups will combine the circuit of the first module and explore the additional functions offered by the Arduino development board. The goal of the second part is to familiarize the trainees with the open source platform, navigating the Arduino development environment, writing programming code for simple functions and using libraries.