Leadership & Modern Healthcare Organisations

Saturday 27 April 2024 | 10:00 - 16:00
JOIST Innovation Park & Online
Individual Registration: 55€
Group Registrations: 45€
Online Participation: 35€


Management is a team activity. No matter how well a team is managed, it will perform according to the degree of performance of each individual. An effective leader should use the right tools to ensure each team member performs to their maximum potential.

  • How does a supervisor activate their subordinates?
  • How can they create an environment where existing employees can be driven to maximum performance with the right incentives?
  • Is there one way of management that may have better results than another

JOIST Innovation Park’s new interactive seminar answers these and even more relevant questions about leadership and modern healthcare organizations. This is a 6-hour hybrid workshop specifically designed for:

  • Heads of health organizations (hospitals, clinics, laboratories, etc.)
  • Employees – Executives who lead a team
  • Those who wish to acquire the necessary skills to occupy a supervisor position in the future.

Through the application of participatory educational techniques, participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish the different leadership styles
  • Associate leadership behaviour with the effectiveness of the leader
  • Identify the differences between management and leadership
  • Inspire and direct employees to achieve higher performance goals
  • Make them communicators in the effort to implement different leadership styles

Dimitris Patsios

Dimitris Patsios was born in Larissa in 1977. He studied at the Department of Business Administration & Management of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, where he graduated in 2000. He worked as a Quality Management Manager in private sector companies. At the end of 2004, he was recruited in the public sector, specifically in the 3rd Regional Health Authority of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, and in 2008, he was transferred to the 5th Regional Health Authority of Thessaly and Sterea, Greece, Larissa. During his career in the health sector, he worked initially in the Human Resources Department and then in the Training Office. Since 2012, he has held a position of responsibility in the Quality Improvement & Control Department. At the end of 2019, he became Director of Health Unit Planning & Development. He works at the Public Health Directorate of the Region of Thessaly.

Since 2012 he holds an M.Sc. In “Health Services Management” from the National School of Public Health (NSPH), and has received further training in health management, improving skills and teamwork, leadership, and human resource development in the workplace. He has authored and published research papers in scientific journals and has presented the results of his research at many Greek and international conferences. In addition, since 2010, he has been a collaborator-trainer of the National Center for Public Administration (ESDDA), teaching more than 1000 hours, and in 2015, he received the Certification of Adult Educator from EOPPEP.


Theoretical approaches to leadership


Approaching leadership based on the characteristics of the leader


Approaching leadership based on leadership style


Fiedler's leadership model theory


McGregor's theory of X, Y group leadership


Development of effective leaders


Desirable characteristics of an effective leader


The leader's derailment


The charismatic leader and his role in the modern organisation


PARTICIPATION FORM | Online Attendance

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