18:50 - 19:00
| Arrival & Registration
19:00 - 19:10
| Greeting, Prodromos Skenderidis, Food Technologist Phd
19:10 - 19:20
| "Quality Management in Agri-Food to Processing", Yannis Peroulakis, Agronomist of Rural Development MBA
19:20 - 19:30
| "Food Safety Systems Certification", Spyros Migos, General Manager of Q-Check Certification Body
19:30 - 19:40
| "The Benefits of Smart Packaging in the Supply Chain", Dimitris Exarchos, Materials Engineer, CEO of the Hellenic Institute for Packaging and Safety in Agri-Food
19:40 - 19:50
| Q&A
19:50 - 20:00
| Networking