Social & Creative Conference: Empowering Innovation and Policy Making in the Sectors of Culture and Creativity

05.10.2022 | 09:30-15:30
Amphitheatre, VR, Future Learning Lab, Coworking Space, Meeting Room, Exhibition Space of JOIST Innovation Park


Innovation and creativity can influence and change European policies, promoting Europe’s socio-economic recovery.

Proof of this influence is the rapid growth of the cultural and artistic sector across Europe, confirming that it is key to driving progress, innovation and sustainable development.

Policy-making is crucial to create a fertile environment for creativity to trigger a disruptive transformation capable of boosting countries’ competitiveness. Their effectiveness depends on the use of good practices that have already been implemented, as well as the use of innovative tools and methodologies in the decision-making process.

The Social & Creative community, under the Interreg MED programme, has been working in this direction for the last six years, creating innovative and ready-to-use tools to help policy makers and stakeholders in defining local and regional policies for creativity and innovation.

During the Social & Creative conference, its community, together with individual projects, will present the activities carried out at the local level to revitalise the cultural and artistic sector and support the adoption of methods and use of tools at the policy level.

9:30 - 10:00

| Registrations

10:00 - 10:15

| Welcome Remarks
Anastasios Vasileiadis (iED)
Christoph Maier (Interreg MED Programme)
Marianna Cavone (Social & Creative)

10:15 - 11:00

| Part I - Encouraging Innovation and Policy Making in the Cultural and Artistic Sector
"Culture and Creativity to Address Sustainability Challenges and Support Positive Social Transformation - Art is the Life", Niki Daskalou (Gallery Braggart)
"The Role of Policy Makers in Stimulating CCIs", Christos Yovanopoulos, (Municipality of Halandri)

11:00 - 11:30

| Coffee break

11:30 - 12:30

| Part II - Tools and Methods to Support Decision-Makers: from Theory to Practice
Goran Rodic (Agency for Economic Development of City of Prijedor (PREDA-PD) )
Spela Zalokar (European Network of Living Labs)
Pasquale Lops (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Francesco Molinari (University of Rijeka)
Marianna Cavone (InnovaPuglia/ Puglia Region)
Nicos Ioannou (Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry of Cyprus)

12:30 - 13:00

| Conclusions
Marianna Cavone (Social & Creative)

13:00 - 14:00

| Lunch break


| Tour of the exhibition area

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