Entrepreneurship, Procedures and Funding Criteria at JOIST Innovation Park nbinas@ied.eu November 29, 2023

Entrepreneurship, Procedures and Funding Criteria at JOIST Innovation Park

Entrepreneurship returns to the forefront at the JOIST Innovation Park in the event that will take place on Thursday, 30 November 2023, from 18:00 – 20:00, at JOIST and will be open to the public. The event’s main objective is to link entrepreneurship development with access to finance, highlighting the latter as a critical driver for implementing innovative business ideas.

It is a fact that the inability to access funding and the lack of information for young entrepreneurs on the procedures and criteria applied by funding bodies make many promising business projects inactive. Therefore, the presentation of all the procedures and criteria for funding start-ups is crucial for taking entrepreneurial initiatives.

In this context, this workshop aims to present all the dimensions related to access to finance. In the first part of the workshop, the General Manager of the Cooperative Bank of Thessaly, Mr. Gatos Dimitrios and the Bank’s Credit Manager, Mr. Tsikrikas Philippos all those elements related to securing funding for startups from Banking Institutions will be presented to the public. In the second part of the event, participants and potential startups will have the opportunity to discuss and ask their questions to Mr. Lambro Kourti (Velocity Partner), about the possibility of financing startups by Private Investors.

During the event, participants will understand the functioning of the funding bodies and will be able to assess better the possibility of funding their business idea. At the end of the presentations and discussions, there will be time for introductions and discussion between participants and speakers.

The event takes place in the framework of the project “U-SOLVE: Urban Sustainable Development Solutions Valuing Entrepreneurship” and is funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme.

This event is addressed to:

  • Potential startupers, existing businesses and individuals wishing to create innovative businesses.
  • New businesses already active in the labour market and looking for sustainable and growth solutions.
  • Students who are either looking for professional outlets or have conceived business ideas and need support for their implementation.

Admission to the event is free to the public. Find out more about the event and register: Fund your Business Idea | JOIST Innovation Park (joistpark.eu)

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