Animated Puzzles in Augmented Reality (AR)

Saturday 18.03.2023 | 11:00-14:00
Future Learning Lab of JOIST Innovation Park


What is augmented reality? How do the technologies we use shape the way we interact in our daily lives? What are their potentials, and how can we use them creatively?

Come explore the process of designing a unique puzzle and learn the basic steps to create an augmented reality application in the new JOIST Innovation Park educational program in collaboration with designer, programmer and educator Athanasios Katsoyiannis for children from 9 to 12 years old.

The workshop is divided into two parts. The first part will introduce how to create a familiar object, the jigsaw puzzle. Children will design their own unique puzzles from scratch with craft materials inspired by nature. In the second part, we will explore the new augmented reality technology and learn the basic steps to create an app through special software for children. As a result, children will bring the digital world to life and play with the unique puzzles they created during the workshop.


Athanasios Katsouyannis is a designer, programmer and educator. His design practice focuses on connecting digital and analogue interactions in everyday life. It creates websites, design tools and experiences that disrupt user habits. It explores the limits of new technologies and their personalized functions that will bring life to the static world around us.


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