Getting to know the world of Marketing at JOIST Innovation Park!

Saturday 3 February 2024 | 11:00 - 13:00
Future Learning Lab


Getting to know the world of Marketing at JOIST Innovation Park! In the new interactive workshop, children from 4th to 6th grade become familiar with the basic principles of Marketing and its relationship with consumer behaviour.

The workshop focuses on the key points of marketing strategy such as market research, the product development process (4ps) and product image creation. In addition to understanding how these concepts work, the aim is to connect children with real products and to understand the role that marketing plays in the decision to buy a product.

The training programme will be presented through an enriched introduction, semi-structured dialogue and active participation, with crafts and product selection at the research stage. At the end of the workshop, the primary product (e.g. a juice) will be isolated from its additional characteristics (packaging, small gifts that accompany it, etc.) and analysed in terms of its essence (taste, quality) compared to an otherwise anonymous juice.

The instructor of the program is Stavros Grammatopoulos, a member of the Greek Air Force, a graduate of the Business Administration Department of EAP, with studies in Communication and Career Guidance Counseling and author of the children’s book “The Notes of Love” (Michalis Sideris Publications).


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