18:00 - 18:30
| Arrival and Registration
18:30 - 18:35
| Short introduction by the Project Manager of the project "Urban sustainable development SOLutions Valuing Entreprenership-U-SOLVE", Thomas Halatsis
18:35 - 19:05
| "Financing Startups by Banking Institutions", Gatos Dimitrios, General Manager - Executive Member of the Cooperative Bank of Thessaly & Tsikrikas Filippos, Credit Director of the Cooperative Bank of Thessaly
Description: step-by-step the process and criteria for financing start-ups by banking institutions.
19:05 - 19:35
| "Financing Startups by Private Investors", Lambros Kourtis, Partner Velocity
Description: step-by-step the process and criteria for financing startups by private investors - interaction with startups.
19:35 - 20:00
| Discussion & Networking